Resources for Editors

Welcome Editors!

Overhead image of Katie Chambers writing in a checklist.

Taking notes on my Developmental Fiction checklist

I love the editing community, and I believe in helping each other out. My trackers and checklists began as a way to give back.

While the trackers are no longer free, my checklists still are.

I want to continue giving back to the amazing editing community, so check out my giving back campaign, where you, too, can give back.

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Trackers for Admin Management

If you are anything like me, running an editorial business can be overwhelming. You have a lot of different administrative tasks demanding your attention.

In an effort to streamline those tasks, I built customizable trackers in Excel. These plug-n-play trackers track and analyze your data, freeing your time and brain for editing, marketing, and business learning.

Business Finance Tracker: $25
Project Data Tracker: $37
List of Projects Tracker: $8

Check out the product page for videos and product descriptions.

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Courses and Webinars

Course: Running Your Editorial Business Like a Pro ($147)—To be a successful freelance editor, you need to spend some time on the administration side of things. If that makes you groan, if you feel overwhelmed, if you aren’t sure what systems you need in place and how to manage it all, or if you find you are spending too much time on admin tasks, let me help!

Webinars (free–$30): Dive into one aspect of running your business in 60-minute webinars. Currently, I have webinars on project tracking, financial management, effective client interactions, and processes and systems.

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Checklists (Free Resource)

Having a scatterbrained mind, I find checklists invaluable in reminding me of what I need to do and keeping me organized.

On the checklist product page, you can download the Word files and customize them to fit your needs.

I also provide tips for using them and give you a peek into my system. I would love to hear what works for you as well. We can all learn from each others’ systems and processes.

Editorial Process
Copyediting Fiction
Developmental Editing for Fiction
Substantive Editing for Nonfiction

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Reflection Form (Free Resource)

This reflection form is your one-stop-shop for self-evaluation, business goals, and the occasional existential crisis.

This is a fillable PDF form complete with every question you could think to ask (and wouldn’t think to ask) to help you reflect and grow. Skip the sections that don’t apply to you and narrow in on those that do.

If you can think of a question that isn’t on this form that should be, I will give you the biggest thumbs-up in the history of thumbs-up because I for real thought of everything. Everything! (Well, at least I think I did… )

You can fill out this form every quarter or every year, however often you want to analyze your business.

Click below to see sample pages and sign up for your free copy!

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Template Emails (Free Resource)

Emailing can be the most time-consuming client management task, so using templates reduces the time you need to spend emailing.

Just select your template, add in the unique content, and press send!

I have 83 email templates. Ha, yes 83!

Learn how to create, use, and decide what templates you want for your business and get access to 15 of my email templates that you can customize.

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Beacon Point’s Newsletters (Free Resource)

With the Shining Beacon weekly newsletter, you get:

  • Link of the Week: A featured article from other editors’ and writers’ blogs on relevant topics (managing your editorial business, editing craft, writing craft, self-editing, marketing, etc.) and tips from me on that topic. One a week.
  • My Blog Posts: My latest blog on (a) grammar/punctuation or a topic on managing your business for editors, and (b) specific writing tips on a variety of topics (fiction writing, genre writing, nonfiction writing, etc.). Two a month.
  • Resources: Discounts to all my courses, webinars, and products, and the insider scoop when I release new resources. Once a month.
  • Featured Social Media Post: Content of one of my most engaged with social media posts. Two or three a month.
  • Currently Reading: Summary and link to the book I’m currently reading and my opinion on it. Once a month.
  • Manage Your Editorial Business: Video or written tip on one aspect of running your business. One a month.

If you just want the content specific for editors, first subscribe to the weekly newsletter, then unsubscribe and select the Running Your Editorial Business Like a Pro newsletter, which is a curated newsletter that is sent monthly, featuring only the links of the week and blog posts applicable to running your business as well as the manage your editorial business tip section.,

Giving Back Holiday Campaign

Ways to Participate

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Send a monetary donation of any amount. Your donation will go into a giving back campaign holding account. When I send the gift, if you chose not to remain anonymous, your name will be listed as one of the givers. Regardless of anonymous status, you will receive an email with proof of who received your funds and what they used it for.

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Nominate a recipient

Fill out a nomination form, indicating whom you nominate and why and your name (you have the option to remain anonymous) with a message to the recipient. When the recipient receives the gift, you will receive an email with proof of delivery.

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Buy one of my products and courses

A percentage of every tracker or course purchase goes into a giving back campaign holding account.