
Hire Me

If you want to look into possibly hiring Beacon Point for editing services, click on the appropriate editing service form below.

If you want to look into possibly hiring Beacon Point for any nonediting services, click on the appropriate nonediting service form below.

If you have general questions, scroll down to the general questions section.

Editing Services

*Note for nonfiction, I work with a team of editors, as I get a lot of nonfiction inquiries. So some nonfiction manuscripts I edit myself, some my team edits, and some we both work on. For now, I do all the editing for fiction manuscripts.

Nonediting Services

For more information on my speaking engagement services—in-person and online presentations and workshops and online webinars—download my media kit.

General Questions

For general questions about me, my blogs, or my services, you can email me by clicking here, or you can fill out the form below.

I respond to every non-spam form I receive. If your message reads like spam rather than a personalized email clearly applicable to my brand and offerings, it will be ignored.

I do NOT respond to requests for guest blog posts from people I do not know or from someone who isn’t an or author.

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