Editing Services
General Information

As the writer of any type of content, you have done the hard work. So first, congratulations! You did it—something many cannot do. Take a moment to appreciate how awesome you are for tackling this hard task.
Now, you need a guide to help smooth out any potential issues and to direct and cheer you along the revision phase, which can often be harder.
My team and I act as that guide—a beacon—building a trusting partnership with you through kindly worded queries, astute suggestions, and changes that preserve your voice.
Instead of paying for multiple editors, you can hire Beacon Point for multiple editing needs in one package deal, saving you time and money. The package deal includes several passes so my team or I can address big-picture issues while also focusing in on every detail.
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Editing Details
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Editing Style and Author Control
With any Beacon Point editor or proofreader, you can expect this style.
Hands-on editing: This means many of the changes are made directly to the text rather than just suggesting you make the change. With nonfiction, some content-based changes are suggested rather than made directly. With fiction, some craft changes are suggested to help you improve your writing after changes of the same type have been made directly to the text to model that craft tool, and all substantial changes to plot and character are given as suggestions in the editorial letter.
But whether the change is made in text or suggested in a comment, the change is still just a suggestion. You have full control and can reject anything you don’t agree with.
Because many of the changes are made directly to the text, if you do agree with them, you can just click on accept rather than having to take the time to make the change yourself. If you agree with the reasoning for the change but don’t like the exact change, you can then tweak the change to make it your own or reject it and write your own entirely.
Just because changes are made directly to the text doesn’t change the fact that you are in control.
Just consider why a change was made before rejecting it outright.