Get Free Editor Checklists
Description of Checklists
Editorial Process Checklist: This walks me through the steps I go through with each client during each stage: intake, editing round one, editing round two, and finishing the project.
Developmental Fiction Checklist: A list of big-picture issues to keep in mind when editing a fiction manuscript. It contains a list of potential issues in topics like plot and characterization. You can circle items from the list that relate to the manuscript and take notes on it.
Substantive Nonfiction Checklist: A list of big-picture issues to keep in mind when editing a nonfiction manuscript. It contains a list of potential issues in topics like organization and content. You can circle items from the list that relate to the manuscript and take notes on it.
Copyediting Fiction Checklist: A list of things to focus on that are either specific to fiction or common problems found in fiction.
Copyediting Checklist: A list of copyediting tasks and the grammar and punctuation concepts I have to make a conscious effort to look for or ones that I needed to relearn/unlearn. These are errors I more easily gloss over. So this is not an extensive list of everything to look for while copyediting; just the ones I need help remembering plus the tasks like styling a manuscript and such.
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