• Make Your Nonfiction Book More Reader Friendly

    Too many boring nonfiction books exist. Don’t add to the pile. Instead, write a good nonfiction by making your book more reader friendly, using these tips.

    Published On: 07/10/20249.7 min read
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Self-Help Book

    Self-help is an oversaturated market so your book may flop, but it also has a built-in audience, which can help your book soar—if you write a good one that is. So learn 6 tips for writing an effective self-help book that will reach audiences and do well.

    Published On: 06/12/20246.2 min read
  • Effective Organization for Nonfiction Book

    When the organization of your nonfiction book is random and ideas seem disjointed, it impedes flow and makes it harder to follow your ideas. Even if your ideas themselves are clear, the lack of organization can muddle them. So learn how to determine chapter order, use headings and subheadings, and write effective transitions.

    Published On: 04/10/20249.6 min read
  • Strategies to Reduce Wordiness

    Using these strategies, you can learn to write more concise, powerful sentences. Learn how to get rid of unnecessary wordiness through a variety of strategies.

    Published On: 03/05/20207.8 min read
  • Varying Sentence Beginnings

    If too many of your sentences start the same way, your writing can begin to sound choppy and monotonous. This article explains how to vary your sentence beginning sand how to know when to do so.

    Published On: 10/17/20188.6 min read
  • 8 Strategies to Reduce “Be” Verbs

    Many writers tend to overuse "be" verbs. While we need these words, strong writers often reword sentences to eliminate them, choosing powerful verbs instead. This article provides specific methods to eliminate them. Read and apply these strategies to strengthen your writing.

    Published On: 05/09/20186.7 min read
  • Effective Transitions that Aid Your Reader’s Comprehension

    When writing an essay or a nonfiction book, it is important to have transitions connecting your topics together. This blog post describes how to do that in easy to follow steps, and then provides examples from essays and nonfiction books.

    Published On: 02/13/20185.6 min read