• 5 Strategies for Effective Job Bullet Statements

    A resume should help sell your unique skills, not just list what you did at your job. The vast majority of job seekers list their job duties, but this tutorial gives you five strategies to liven up your job bullets by highlighting your unique skills. So read this blog and start highligting your unique skills.

    Published On: 09/10/20185.6 min read
  • How to Write an Effective Career Summary

    Your career summary is prime real estate on your resume. Learn how to write an effective one that helps get your foot in the door for that interview.

    Published On: 12/21/20177.2 min read
  • Resume: How to Show, Don’t Tell Your Marketable Skills

    This blog walks you through showing instead of telling your skills. Anyone can say they have a certain skill. You need to show it.

    Published On: 10/02/20174.5 min read